A final gift to a friend?

Leaving a legacy to YMC

Making a will is the only certain way of ensuring that the estate of a person is administered in accordance with their wishes, and as circumstances change, it is necessary to review the terms of a will to reflect the current circumstances and wishes of the benefactor.

Whilst it is possible to make a will using a pre-printed form it is wiser to consult a solicitor who will help to draft the details and guide the choice of executors. It is worthwhile to do some careful thinking and planning before visiting a solicitor.

In making a will, many members and friends of the Methodist church may want to consider a bequest to the Church. Such gifts may be for the local church, or alternatively for one of the national Funds of Methodism supporting work done in the name of the whole Church.

Yatton Methodist Church’s legacy policy is to use gifts to help fund significant activities or projects, whether buildings, equipment or staff, rather than day to day expenditure, bearing in mind your known areas of interest in the church (e.g. music, buildings, children and youth, evangelism, overseas mission or aid) and the churches priorities at the time.

You can be confident that any gift will be used to make a real difference to our future mission and ministry.

For further information or to see a copy of the Church’s legacy policy, please complete the Contact Form below and someone will came back to you.

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