Mission Framework

Our PURPOSE is summed up in the Great Commandment and the Great Commission to Love God, Love people and make disciples


Our VISION is to be a vibrant, outward looking, diverse community of all ages who are enthusiastic about learning together what it means to follow Jesus


Our VALUES describe not so much what we do, but who we are. See our values below


Faith as a Journey

Life and faith have their ups and downs. There will be particular high points, with times of commitment and re-dedication, along with times when we might be struggling in our faith. However long we might have been on this journey, none of us has arrived.  We are all on the same journey, traveling together, just at different points.


We are all recipients of God’s freely given, unearned and undeserved Grace. We are all in the same boat, and none of us is any better than anyone else.  We aspire to be expressions of God’s Grace to others in all that we do and say.

Mission Hearted

We aspire to be motivated by mission in all that we do, and reach out to others – not because we think we should, but because our hearts are a reflection of God’s heart for all people. We have Good News to share, both in our words and in our actions.

Loving Relationships

Building loving relationships is not just about being nice to people, but being marked out by selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love to those around us. We want our church family to be marked out by the quality of our relationships with each other.


We are a family and want to be known as an open, welcoming and accepting community of people from all walks of life, where people can feel that they belong. We want there to be a culture of Community at Yatton Methodist Church.

Every member ministry

Each of us is a valuable part of the church family, and we all have a unique part to play. We seek to release all members into their God-given service and ministry in the life of the church. We want there to be a culture of Every Member Ministry at Yatton Methodist Church.